The premiere game of the trio, Ms. Splosion Man, is the sequel to the wild platformer released by Twisted Pixel. The sequel expands on the original game, complete with minigames, a Super Mario Bros.-styled overworld, and even harder platforming levels - all mixed with the manic humor seen in the original ’Splosion Man.
Boulder Dash XL is yet another update on the classic arcade game from the mid-80’s. It’s seen every platform from the Atari home computers and Commodore 64 to coin-op to Nintendo handhelds, it only makes sense it would see new life on the Xbox 360.
Finally, Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team is a twin-stick shooter which features co-op play, and serves as an appetizer to the upcoming Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine retail game.
The latter two games mentioned are due to be released on PC and PlayStation 3 at some point as well. All of the games listed sell for a reasonable 800 Microsoft Points.