If he was to be met by lawyers then Hotz was going to be ”the biggest a**hole ever,” he admitted in a recent interview. However it was ”respectful” engineers that greeted him.
Hotz was the mastermind behind the PS3 Jailbreak exploit which let users ‘open up’ their PlayStation 3 console to installing whatever they wanted, which inevitably included pirated games.
”If there were going to be lawyers there I was going to be the biggest asshole ever,” said Hotz, revealed in a profile by The New Yorker. It was a few months after the breach of security for the PS3 that he got the invite. ”We are always interested in exploring all avenues to better safeguard our systems and protect consumers,” said Sony’s Jim Kennedy.
Hotz doesn’t hack ”because of some ideology,” but for something much simpler: ”I hack because I’m bored.”