They’re going all Wikileaks on the faction and letting fans dig deeper into their secrets. Information, artworks, in-game shots, video and developer Q&A are on the agenda.
The Illuminati are one of three factions in the upcoming MMO The Secret World, and are described as ”invisible puppet-masters and corporate manipulators,” bent on world domination.
”Today Funcom kicks off the Week of the Illuminati, a full week of focus on the most secret of the three secret societies that players can join in the upcoming modern-day massively multiplayer online game ‘The Secret World’. Throughout the week Funcom will be serving information, artworks, screenshots, a video, and a developer Q&A on Facebook.”
To find out what secret little group you’d be best suited to you can take a handy initiation test online. Over 500k users are signed up to the closed beta test of The Secret World, which is due for release this April from EA.