Dylan Jobe, the president of Starhawk developer Lightbox Interactive has announced on the PlayStation Blog that the 1.03 update for the game is now available, and will include two free new maps for the game based on the planet Cypress, Collider and Origin.
The patch also brings the following updates:
* Prestige Levels: After level 50, players get a Greek letter after their name from Alpha through to Omega, which are harder to achieve that normal level ranks.
New Space Homeworld “Waypoint”: A new lobby set on a space station.
Team-Balance Fixes: Fixes accidental completely mismatched matchmaker games.
Revamped Voice Chat System: Stablizes and improves VOIP.
Push-to-Talk Option: Players can now press L3 to talk, instead of always-on chat.
Vulture Jet-Pack Eject: Players are now allowed to dismount while flying around in a Starhawk if they have a Vulture Jet-Pack equipped.
Rift Barrels on Mini-Map: Rift Barrells now appear on the Mini-Map.
Bug Fixes: Lightbox addressed some host migration issues, a number of crashes and network instability issues, and the laggy pick-up bug was fixed as well.
Ranked Option: Password protected games no longer can be ranked, and stats can be toggled on and off for Clan vs Clan games.
Skills Shortcut at the Respawn Screen: Players can press TRIANGLE and jump right to the skills menu while waiting to respawn.
Build & Battle Icons While Respawning: Players will be informed when structures are build during respawn.
Display Nearby Build & Battle Structures: There are now some new visuals to help players recognize Build & Battle structures that are built nearby.
Cooldowns for Host Kick and Team Switch: Exploits where players would change teams rapidly or a host would quickly kick a ton of players have been fixed.
Interactive Music Update: One of the key rules for CTF ahas been changed, as well as one of the key contributors to the stalemates. Now, to score a point in CTF, players need to take the enemy flag back to their base — period. Your team’s flag does NOT need to be there for you to score.
Sorting Unlocked Customization: Unlocked ones are always displayed at the top of the list.
Drop-Pod Upgrade: Drop-Pods are now more deadly, being more maneuverable AND have an increased impact radius.
Custom Music via XMB: The 1.03 Update now allows players to play your own music through the XMB.