Major Nelson announced a few days ago that Microsoft was changing its Gamerscore policy on Xbox Live Arcade titles, doubling the Gamerscore limit from 200 to 400 Achievement points, as well as the number of Achievements in each XBLA game.
However, this does have an affect on PlayStation 3 Trophies, since multiplatform titles tend to merely duplicate the Achievements to Trophies.
When asked if Sony would be adjusting its Trophies, a company representative cryptically stated, “There are plenty of downloadable games on PSN that currently offer Platinum Trophies,” adding that Sony has “a standard and consistent system to determine the Trophies available for a particular game. The overall scope of the game determines the Trophies available, not method of distribution.”
What that system is, however, is known only to Sony, as veteran PS3 gamers find no formal policy for which games get Platinum Trophies or any standard parameters.
Trophies debuted a few months after the PlayStation 3 launch, so not every PS3 game has featured Trophy support.