The game will be shipping with wide open levels including ‘Altis’ (270 km²) and ‘Stratis’ (20 km²), 12 singleplayer showcases, 3 faction showcases, 9 multiplayer scenarios, 10 firing drill challenges, more than 20 vehicles and 40 weapons, 5 factions, the scenario editor and modding support. The single player campaign will be released across 3 free downloadable content packs after launch.
The dev team will also be hosting a live stream on the 10th August at 2:00pm UTC, direct from Prague. The hour-long stream will show off the ArmA III release package.
Gamers can still purchase the ArmA III beta now for 34.99 EUR/29.99 GBP/44.99 USD on Steam Early Access, or the Arma 3 Digital Deluxe Edition for 44.99 EUR/39.99 GBP/59.99 USD. Those who pre-pay will get the full retail game on launch. The price for ArmA III will rise after launch.