ArmA III Features

Preview: Chris Capel walks for miles and then gets shot, over and over again.
ArmA III’s been in the news a lot recently, from the amazing Day Z mod to the sad news that two of the game’s designers had been arrested accused of espionage in Greece. These stories have overshadowed the main game somewhat, so it’s good to see that Bohemia Interactive have wisely decided to release the ArmA III Alpha on Steam to get the talk turning back to...

Preview: Does anyone actually call it Armed Assault anymore?
It’s funny that the presentation for ArmA III was as clunky and unintuitive as the game itself will probably turn out to be. Don’t get me wrong – the guy was really cool and the game looks great, but ArmA has a certain reputation for hardcore that it seems to be in no hurry to shed, and we’ve definitely had better presentations. The third iteration of Bohemia’s hyper-realistic military...