Now that swarm is back, but it’s in the guise of the ‘modern shooter’. Warsaw-based CI Games, and creator of Enemy Front, believes gamers are ready for WWII again.
Creative director Raphael van Lierop notes that many Xbox 360 and PS3 era gamers today likely believe Call of Duty and Battlefield all grew from ‘modern warfare’.
This age group is ripe for leading the charge back into the World War II setting, particularly as Enemy Front explores the Polish occupation and resistance movement, which hasn’t been largely exploited explored. ”I think there are a lot of gamers who grew up on the 360 and PS3 who think Call of Duty was always about modern warfare and they never had a chance to play it as a WWII franchise,” Raphael van Lierop told
”So I think there’s an audience there–a younger audience, maybe–that’s ready to go back and experience that. And there’s an older audience like myself, people in their mid-30s who played all those franchises when they started out as WWII games, who are getting a bit burned out on the modern warfare thing because we’ve been doing that for a while.”
Enemy Front will be launching on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 despite next-gen platforms looming.
CI Games are pragmatic in their approach: ”I think here, audience size would be more of a concern, and launching on the next-gen consoles with a new IP when there’s a small install base is not necessarily the best recipe for success either. I think certainly the best approach is to launch on everything. The game is based on CryEngine 3 technology that is optimized for the current-gen consoles, and I think we’re a ways away from anyone outside of Crytek being able to ship a CryEngine game on next-gen platforms,” said van Lierop.
Enemy Front has been significantly reworked from a more traditional linear shooter to something akin to a sandbox approach to combat, with the player given a lot of breathing room to decide how best to attack. Check out the full interview between Raphael van Lierop and
• Blazing gunplay and spray-and-pray close quarters combat;
• Class-driven, cover-based enemy behavior;
• Vehicular bosses;
• Destructible environments;
• Multiple mission types including sabotage, espionage, assassination and assault;
• Deep gameplay customization;
• Exaggerated, over-the-top weapon effects create an immersive, visceral and emotive shooter experience;
• Rich story arc played out in faithfully recreated theatres of conflict including France, Norway, Greece and Poland;
• Huge array of authentic weaponry;
• Built on CryENGINE 3 to ensure top-quality graphical fidelity.
Enemy Front releases on PC, Xbox 360 and PC in 2014.