Enemy Front Features

Interview: We chat with CI Games' creative director about their upcoming foray into the venerable genre of the World War II FPS.
With World War II shooter Enemy Front inching ever closer to release, we thought it was a good time to sit down with CI Games' Creative Director Stephen Skelton and chat about the game. Strategy Informer: First of all, why did the team decide to return to the WWII FPS?

Preview: Nick Horth is a hard-bitten journalist taking the fight to a facist regime. Then he plays Enemy Front.
It's certainly been a while since we've had a World War II FPS. Go back ten years and you couldn't move for them. Medal of Honour, Call of Duty 1 and 2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein – a seemingly never-ending avalanche of games that ensured MP40s, stielhandgranates and Flak 88s became as familiar to gamers as cats and dogs. This was the Tyrannosaurus...