The Rise of the Hutt Cartel launch brought some new-fangled things to Star Wars, and now BioWare starts tweaking them, like raising the ridiculously low cap on planetary commendations.
Before each world had their own commendations to be earned and then spent at special vendors. This was limiting so they all became universal planetary commendations.
Unfortunately some nerf-herder decided to impose a maximum cap of just 50, meaning you’d have to stop questing wherever you are and go to these special vendors (most likely at the main fleet hubs) to spend the commendations to get beneath the cap in order to earn more. While not great, the cap is being raised to 100.
Classic Commendations are also getting their cap raised to 1000, which is up from 400, and no longer have a weekly earnings limit. Missing pets, mounts and colour crystals should be back at PvP vendors.
Check out the full 2.0.1 patch notes for more.