The EverQuest Next development team have been discussing the game’s AI and content at SOE Live, and they’ve released two videos - a long version and a short version - of the discussions.
There’s some interesting ideas being bandied about here. As well as a look at the lives and reactions of NPCs, we get a glimpse at how zones will be affected by the goals of various rival groups.
Rather than a simple quest hub with various missions to complete, zones will be contested by factions with specific goals in mind - one example given in the video is a war between dark elves and dryads for control of a resource-rich mountain stronghold. Players can join either faction, taking part in n ongoing battle that will slowly morph the landscape around them.
Messing up an area too much will lead to a ‘Rallying Call’, a ”world-changing event” which will call players from across the server to respond. Think of the open world quests from Guild Wars 2 and you’re not far off.
As for crafting content, you can’t argue with the ability to make a staff that causes NPC townspeople to bow before your awesomeness. EverQuest Next is coming to PC and PlayStation 4, but doesn’t yet have a release date.