Poor old Leeroy Jenkins, everyone’s favourite overeager Paladin, is getting nerfed in an upcoming Hearthstone balance patch, along with the slightly less famous Starving Buzzard card.
The Jenkins card was, according to Blizzard, capable of causing ”20+ damage in one turn” when used with the correct combination of other cards. That might be hilarious when you’re the one doing the damage, but Blizzard are probably right when they say it’s ”not particularly fun or interactive”.
As a result, the developer has increased Jenkins’ price from 4 to 5. The Starving Buzzard, meanwhile has had its cost dramatically increased, from 2 points to 5 points. It has more Attack and Health now, but still, that’s going to annoy a fair few players who currently use the Hunter deck.
“The amount of cards Starving Buzzard allowed Hunter players to draw ultimately ended up being too excessive for its low cost,” explains Blizzard. ”This change will allow the Hunter’s opponent more time to react to both the Starving Buzzard and the cards drawn by its power.”
The changes will go live on September 22. Blizzard say these will be the final changes to card balance before the Hearthstone World Championship at BlizzCon this November.
“We will continue to make balance changes to Hearthstone only when we feel they are completely necessary in order to increase the variety of cards seen at all levels of play and make Hearthstone a more fun and interactive game for everyone,” says Blizzard.