Tripwire Interactive took part in a panel at PlayStation Experience over last weekend (the game’s coming to PS4 as well as PC), and they were pretty excited to show off the dismemberment and gore engine they’ve come up with for Killing Floor 2.
Said system is called M.E.A.T., which stands for Massive Evisceration and Trauma. You’ve probably now got some idea about what kind of game Killing Floor 2 is. Not for kids, basically.
But good for those of us who enjoy blasting things into tiny pieces with advanced weaponry. As well as 95 death animations, the M.E.A.T system offers 22 separate dismemberment zones on each enemy. Other new features in the engine include the ability for zeds to climb and crawl across walls and ceilings, and enhanced enemy AI.
The full panel, which you can watch above, is almost fifty minutes long, but if you’re interested in Killing Floor 2 there’s plenty of juicy nuggets of information on the game’s development.