Orcs Must Die!: Unchained, the free-to-play tower defence game that murders more orcs than Aragorn, is getting a new closed Beta update today.
There’s a brand new undead hero called Ancestor to play, a new map, a Halloween makeover for existing map Cliffside Clash, and numerous bug fixes and tweaks.
New hero Ancestor is an undead mage who specialises in sapping the life from his enemies. There’s a rundown of his main abilities amongst the 1.6 patch notes, most of which involve using his mana pool to restore health to himself and his allies.
New map Highlands is currently only playable in Custom games; it’s a three-lane map with a trap cap of 20 per person. According to developer Robot Entertainment, Highlands also features some lovely scenery to enjoy when you’re not squashing orcs into paste; ”An underground mining path, a lovely river winding through, and an imposing set of Fortresses make for a game with a much larger scale.”
Regular map Cliffside Clash has also been given a through Halloween makeover. Robot hasn’t detailed exactly what players can expect, but I imagine it’s safe to say there will be a surplus of pumpkins, skeletons and bats.
You can read the full patch notes for the 1.6 Beta update here. All the new content is available now.