As well as beavering away on open world zombie game Dead Island 2, German developer Yager is developing spaceship combat game Dreadnought, in which teams of colossal gunships blast away at each other.
I say ‘spaceship’ combat, but from what we’ve seen so far all the action seems to take place in the planetary atmosphere. Perhaps we’ll be able to head into space as well. Here’s a walkthrough video explaining how it all works.
Watching two heavyweights opening up at each other with broadside volleys is undeniably exciting. It feels more like a naval combat game, something akin to Assassin’s Creed’s take on ship-to-ship combat rather than a spaceship sim, but that doesn’t stop it from looking like lots of fun.
In the video game director Peter Holzapfel and designer Eino Joas introduce a range of different ship types that each play a specific tactical role, from heavy-hitting cruisers to fast attack corvettes. Enjoy the light-show that begins when a squadron of vessels engages the enemy.
Dreadnought features a singleplayer campaign and 5v5 multiplayer matches. It’s coming to PC in 2015.