Braid developer Jonathan Blow’s next game The Witness is close to completion, according to a post on the game’s official website.
”We are definitely in finish-the-game mode,” writes designer Orsi Spaynol, ”that’s why the posts have gotten more rare.”
Spaynol also posted a picture of the game’s hub area, posted below, which is looking very colorful. The Witness is a free-roaming 3D puzzle game set on an uninhabited island, first announced back in 2009. Although because this is a Jonathan Blow game, there’s obviously more to it than that.
”In traditional adventure games,” Blow explained in a preview video earlier this year, ”you have key-and-door puzzles where you have to go find a key and open a door. This is the same thing, where I need a key to open this door, but the key is only knowledge. The key is only ‘Do I understand what all these things mean?’”
Deep stuff. The Witness is expected out this year on PC, iOS and PS4, and Spaynol’s post suggests it’s still on track.