Daedalic Entertainment has announced a new update for their Viking city building game Valhalla Hills, which is currently in Steam Early Access. The game brings such roles as the toolmaker and the weaponsmith.
Basically, the toolmaker crafts tools for Viking workers. However, players must commission the tools, as the toolmaker won’t take any sort of initiative. In addition, The same goes for the weaponsmith, another new profession who created various weapons for the Vikings, including axes and swords.
Three new buildings have also been established, split from one catchall building that had been doing the combined work before the update. The new buildings include the Lumbermill, the Quarry, and the Forester. Lumberjacks will focus on chopping trees and processing them, while masons will harvest stones.
Other updates include the ability to assign additional workers to construction sites while bakers need tools to bake food. A new, larger storage building as been added. Finally, military camps no longer consume leather.
Gamers interested in Valhalla Hills can check out the Steam Early Access page here.