Streum On Studio has released another batch of screenshots for its first-person 40K shooter, Space Hulk: Deathwing. Several tyranids may have been harmed during the making of these pictures.
Once again, the game’s oppressive, Gothic architecture and hordes of alien enemies are the main focus here, though we do also get a sneak peek at the HUD.
Deathwing takes its inspiration from the classic Space Hulk boardgame, but converts turn-based strategy into hectic corridor-shooting. Playing as a squad of Dark Angels terminators, your task is to clear an abandoned, alien-infested spaceship using all the favoured tools of the Space Marines - bolters, flamers, power swords and all sorts of other goodies. Much like Left 4 Dead, the game has a dynamic AI system that throws new enemies at you depending on how well you’re playing.
Space Hulk: Deathwing is set for release in 2016. Fingers firmly crossed that it will be the 40K shooter we’ve been waiting for.