Heroes of the Storm, Blizzard’s cross-IP MOBA, heads into its first stage of closed beta testing today, with the addition of ranked play and a bunch of other new content.
Loading up the game you’ll be asked to register your familiarity with the genre, so if you’re a veteran jungler you won’t have to waste time going over tutorials you already know off by heart.
Other new content includes; a desert-themed Sky Temple map, a massive three-laner in which teams battle it out to control several deadly towers; new character Thrall, everyone’s favourite angry orc chieftain; changes to several established hero characters, and some cool new skins and mounts.
As for ranked play, two new league modes, Hero League and Team League, will challenge your solo skills and team play respectively. Only Hero League is ready to go right now, with Team League expected to be ready slightly further down the line. You’ll need to own at least ten heores and reach level thirty on your account to try out ranked play.
Head over to the Heroes of the Storm website to register. There’s a brief guide to the beta here if you have any other queries.