Bohemia Interactive has unveiled its 2015-2016 roadmap for military shooter Arma 3, which includes two free platform updates leading up to a larger expansion set for release in the second quarter of 2016.
First up is the Nexus Update, which is due this November. This includes some pretty major changes, including a stamina and fatigue system, personal protective equipment, and a revamped version of the End Game multiplayer mode. Finally, Bohemia’s introducing ‘Arma 3’ Units, which is described as ”a web-based service that aims to connect players with community groups.”
The second platform update is codenamed Eden, and is planned for early 2016. This is based around the Eden 3D Editor, which is basically an enhanced version of the current 2D editor, allowing you to have direct control over the assets you place in the world.
Finally, Arma 3 Apex will add the South Pacific island of Tanoa, a thickly forested terrain map that will completely change the way the game works - no more tanks, people, they don’t work very well in the jungle. It will arrive alongside a free platform update that will rework the game’s interaction mechanics and put the focus on custom content.
”One of the central themes of the expansion is near-future combat, which players will be able to recognize by the introduction of new vehicle classes such as VTOL aircraft and other new gameplay elements,” says Bohemia.
More information on pricing and release dates will be coming soon.