Three iconic characters from the Star Wars original trilogy have been announced as playable heroes for the upcoming first-person shooter, Star Wars Battlefront. According to a post over on the PlayStation blog, it looks like we’ll be able to step into the boots (or robes) of Han Solo, Princess Leia, and Emperor Palpatine come November, each bringing their own signature style from the movies into the fray.
Leia is a team commander, able to buff her allies and give special abilities to those that spawn near her. She also has access to an offensive ability called Trooper Bane, which will nod to her unique ability to pick troopers off with her blaster in the trilogy.
Han Solo’s playability is focused on his persona as a lone wolf and crack shot. He has access to Rapid Fire, which allows shooting as fast as the player’s trigger finger can handle without fear of overheating for a short time. He also has Lucky Shot, which is a charged shot good for taking on vehicles and heroes. Finally he’s got his Shoulder Charge, which comes out of Episode V when he charged and plowed through Storm Troopers.
Finally, the deceptive and cunning Sith Lord, Emperor Palpatine brings all his nasty tricks to the field. His iconic Force Lightning acts as his major offensive ability while Force Dash allows this seemingly frail old man to close the gaps on distant enemies or escape a precarious situation extremely quick. Of course as the lord of the Empire, Palpatine can also buff and offer power-ups to his minions.
All three characters will add a wonderfully unique asset to gameplay on the fields of Battlefront in mid-November.
Which iconic characters are you hoping to see in Battlefront? (We’re holding out for a Lando Calrissian announcement.)