Star Wars: Battlefront [Classic] Summary
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Star Wars Battlefront Classic Surprise Update Adds Online Multiplayer on Steam

Star Wars Battlefront Classic receives online multiplayer support one year after becoming available on Steam.
DLC pass contents teased for Star Wars Battlefront

Speculation has been abound as to what EA might have planned for their DLC pass following Star Wars Battlefront's release, considering the company has been pretty much silent on the matter. However, in a recent EA company earnings conference call, COO Peter Moore may have offered some idea as to what to expect.
EA upgrades Star Wars Battlefront expectations, teases Titanfall 2 launch in 2016

Electronic Arts revealed during its financial report conference call that thanks to the widespread beta response, they upgraded their sales expectations for Star Wars: Battlefront. The publisher also teased a launch window for Planetfall 2.
Star Wars Battlefront launch trailer features new heroes in action

We're so close to getting Star Wars Battlefront in our hot little hands and EA is more than happy to keep the hype train rolling. They've released a new launch trailer featuring all the heroes we've come to find will be playable in the game, although their situations may be slightly less than canon to the original trilogy.
Star Wars Battlefront beta is the most played beta in EA history

In a jaw-dropping announcement, EA posted numerous stats about the results of its Star Wars Battlefront beta on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Among the numbers posted, the most amazing was that players clocked a grand total of 1.6 billion minutes of playtime in the beta, making it the most played beta in EA's history.