Since the onset of the Gears of War franchise, Gridlock stood as the reigning champion of the gory shooter's map selection. Day after day, multiplayer lobbies would be filled with rounds being played on the popular urban landscape with every subsequent release featuring the stage in its marketing campaign inviting players to see how it had changed over the years.
With Gears of War: Ultimate Edition came a sparkling HD Remaster of the iconic stage once filled with longshot watchtowers and infamous glitches like the Skydive, Backflip and Crabwalk that made the online segment of the title into something it likely didn't expect.
This time, with Gears of War 4, we'll see a brighter version of the streets still paved with crumpled cars and shattered buildings 25 years on. Either the vastly lowered population decided it wasn't worth cleaning up the place, or they simply left it as a monument to the days of the war ushered in during Emergence Day.
Gears of War 4 releases October 11. There's a hefty 80GB pre-load awaiting those ready to take the plunge through the Windows 10 Store.