Like a tightly-coiled viper (or Randy Orton), Steam is striking our poor, unsuspecting wallets outta nowhere! Thousands of games, priced to move, everything must go, especially your cash!
I have too many games in my Steam library already, but hey, I’m sure I’ll still buy something like the ridiculous sucker I am. Like the last few sales, this one doesn’t have a serious minigame or trading card component, but there is a fun little choose your own adventure segment that will highlight lists of themed games. So that’s something!
Featured deals for today include the Fallout, Tomb Raider, and XCOM series (though naturally don’t expect huge deals on the recently released and mostly excellent new entries in those franchises), along with cool smaller titles like Don’t Starve and Crypt of the Necrodancer. In case you missed it last time, Valve seems to have completely done away with daily deals–whatever’s on sale should remain the same price for the duration. Which is, by the way, until February 12 at 10 AM PST.
So participate in the economy! Buy something! Consume!