Defiant Development announced today the sequel to their popular action-RPG, Hand of Fate. Like the original, Hand of Fate 2 will ask players to overcome trials built from a deck of collectible cards.
The sequel will feature a new, map-based metagame to unlock new challenges as they’re challenged through third-person combat and exploration, deck-building, ”and Dungeons & Dragons-style decisions.”
Rather than simply surviving a deck, players will now have to conquer specific, more challenging feats to advance past a dungeon, like surviving multi-level descents or collecting a certain amount of gold. Objectives beyond defeating all foes will add more variety to individual missions.
Companion characters and new equipment types, like two-handed and dual wielding weapons, will help players survive against new enemies, which include types like Steel and Blight.
“With the new mechanics we’ve added into Hand of Fate 2,” said director Morgan Jaffit, “even players who mastered the first game will once again be challenged by the luck of the draw.”
Hands of Fate 2 is due to release for PC, Mac, and Linux in Q1 2017.