Obduction, the upcoming adventure game developed by Cyan Worlds (creators of the Myst series), has been delayed until July. Originally funded through a Kickstarter campaign back in October 2013, Obduction was scheduled to have a release date of October 2015. This release date was scheduled for late June, but now has been pushed back to July 26th.
“Now we fully expect that everyone is a bit disappointed by the slight delay,” Rand Miller, CEO of Cyan Worlds, wrote on Kickstarter. “But we also expect that most people will understand and be fairly happy that it’s still just right around the corner.
“We also realize that there may be a teeny tiny minority that hate us with the burning fire of a thousand suns. Might we suggest that if you’re feeling the ‘burning sun’ anger, maybe just try to count to ten, take a deep breath, and realize that our crazy indie effort here involves a small group of real-life people working very hard to get you a wonderful experience. Please don’t make us cry.”
Since being funded in October 2013, Cyan Worlds have managed to include Oculus Rift support to Obduction, giving players another way to experience the game. The developers cited a major Unreal Engine update as being the reason why the game has been postponed. Maybe we should be happy to know that the game is going to be polished, as there’s nothing worse than playing a game that clearly needs more time.