Lawbreakers is still in a bit of a rough spot. Having launched a few months ago now, it feels as if those who did pick it up at launch bought into a wasteland. Concurrent player counts on Steam are basically non-existent, but the developers are hoping to get some matches going by joining in themselves.
Following designer Cliff Blezinski's plans to get things up and running again, they recently hosted a Dev Night that could hopefully become a regular thing.
Taking place early this morning - or late last night depending on your locale - a handful of the development team jumped into the US-East/US-West servers to square off against however many players still remain. Looking at Steam Stats, the last 24 hours of the game had a peak player count of just 80. That's enough to get a couple of matches going, yet still a fraction of the players hitting up something as obscure as the Payday 2 demo right now.
Cliffy B Explains How Lawbreakers Can Still Be Saved
Lawbreakers didn't even crack the top 100 chart at launch
The announcement, made on the game's forums a day or two earlier, only garnered a single reply - and that came from a European player stating how they likely wouldn't be able to join in because of the timezone difference. How many of the devs just ending up being matched against their co-workers in the end?
Lawbreakers took many years to push out of the door, so we can imagine Boss Key isn't going to just let this one die without a real fight. Many suspect it to roll out a F2P version over time - as originally planned - but there's no word on that just yet. It may not even be enough, but the shift is inevitable at this point.
The next dev session will be with PS4 players next week, but maybe they'll announce plans to rotate the activity around each week. As Overwatch and Final Fantasy XIV has proven, consistent developer interaction goes a long way.