Despite only recently taking their new wargame to EGX Rezzed on the weekend without a solid release date, Paradox Interactive and Eugen Systems have slotted Steel Division: Normandy 44 in for a May 23 debut.
Coming from the fine folks who developed titles like War Game: Red Dragon and R.U.S.E, Eugen Systems are teaming up with the publishers who've brought classic conflicts to PC screens the world over like Stellaris, Hearts of Iron and, most importantly, Magicka.
Revealed last month, it's surprising - and refreshing - to see Steel Division: Normandy 44 already set to release after such a short while. And for those willing to pre-order, it's playable right now in a beta state already. Just throw £34.99/$39.99 over to Paradox Plaza and you're good to go. Aim a little higher, however, and you'll grab the following from the Steel Division: Normandy 44 Delux Edition;
- A Digital Art Book offering a look at the art and creation behind the game
- The Tactical Guide and Battle Log featuring tactics, terrain tips, and major maps of the game
- Six Additional In-game Historical Aces to add cosmetic variety to your divisions.
- •Deluxe Avatar and Icon for the Paradox Forums
- Unique Ringtones and Text Message Alert Sounds for your mobile devices
- Desktop Wallpapers from the Steel Division art team/li>
- Custom Streaming Overlays designed for content creators on Twitch and YouTube
It should be noted that while the Deluxe Edition comes with 'Six Additional In-game Historical Aces', so does the standard edition; albeit only 2 of them. So for anyone looking to delve in deep in commanding their hyper-accurate army, you'll have to decide which is more important.