It's been a long time coming, but Cliff Blezinski's next game after departing thh Gears of War franchise he helped cement as a gaming icon enters closed beta. Lawbreakers is close at hand.
Teased through a tweet that even Cliffy B himself noticing was a little odd after using the term 'Epic' in a way that left fans speculating whether the news had something to do with the producer's old employer. It didn't; and Cliff himself pointed out that it was a rather ironic decision from his social media team.
Releasing a video of both himself and communications manager Rohan Ravis talking about the upcoming move to closed beta following a string of test weekends over the years, the multiplayer shooter's first official beta test will take place between March 16-19; it's a long weekend of low-gravity drop kicks.
Cliff Bleszinski highlights the differences between Overwatch and LawBreakers
The beta will kick off one weekend after Lawbreakers makes its beta debut on the PAX East showfloor in Boston. Coming out of alpha, new maps, additional balance updates and a string of new characters slotting into new roles will be present with the dev team taking to the Bumblebee Theatre on March 10 to talk a little bit about how far they've come since alpha.
It is a closed beta test, however, so spots will be limited. You can sign up through the Lawbreakers website for a chance to be chosen to participate. It won't be long until it opens up to more players.