Straight after bringing increased attention to Kathy Rain with Raw Fury Games' idea of helping indie developers worried about Steam's new 'Direct' submission system, the developer of last year's well-received adventure title just announced their next.
Whispers of a Machine is the next collaborative effort between Joel Staaf Hästö and Petter Ljungqvist of 'The Samaritan Project' fame.
Set in a futuristic world were human's rightfully decided to end the technological advancements of AI amidst fears of their eventual demise being brought on by the advancements, it's another point n' click adventure game with hand-painted backgrounds and highly detailed pixel characters.
Need A Little More Context? Read Chris' Kathy Rain Review Here
Playing as a woman simply known as Vera following the end of those technological leaps, the screenshots issued paint a picture - get it? - of a world now void of major electronics and a town sitting atop a rather large dish-like structure. Sent to investigate a murder within Nordsund, she's pulled into the understandably tangled mess of an 'invisible war about technology and religion.
Don't expect to be seeing much more of this for the rest of the year, though. Maybe a video further down the line. These things take time.