In a surprising turn of events, an official Ubisoft infographic revealed that 86.7% of deaths in Rainbow Six: Siege are caused by people shooting each other. The second most common cause of death, with a meagre 5.06%, is bleeding out, which "pro" players will recognise as a very common occurrence after being shot.
The multiplayer first person shooter has been enjoying a great deal of success recently, reaching 25 million players for the first time in its lifetime, and Ubisoft released an image on social media breaking down the reason for recorded agent demises. Instead of tracking the game since launch, the figures relate only to deaths in the last season, Blood Orchid.
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In Siege, bleeding out often happens when an operators life bar is drained, dropping him onto the ground where he must quickly be revived by a teammate or die. They are not a constant -- a strong enough burst of damage can kill a player outright -- and one of the best ways to achieve either result is by blowing things up. According to the infographic, explosions come in third place as the most common cause of death, with 4.94%.
You can see the whole infographic above, but it's interesting noting how falling only accounts for 0.08% of deaths, yet ranks above dozens of other operators traps and gadgets. The most common operator-specific cause of death is Caveira's interrogation, which ties in nicely with most competitive players penchant for sneakiness. Sledge's hammer, thanks to it's slow swing and precise timing which leaves one exposed, is responsible for only 0.10% of deaths.
Lastly, kills with the cloaked poison gu mines of Lesion only happen 0.01% of the times, probably because they deal so little continuous damage and the guy is a new operator. Whatever your preference, this is an interesting little look at Siege's gameplay, and Ubi promised to release more infographics in the near future.