Fallout 76 showcases a certain amount of focus on farming various assorted resources (cue gasps), one of the more common of which are Fallout 76 Screws. We've covered how to farm Ballistic Fiber before, and now we're going to show you how to get a whole bunch of Screws.
Fallout 76 Screw farming is even vaguer and more oblique than searching for Ballistic Fiber is. In other words - targeted farming for Screws is going to get you nowhere in Fallout 76, but the good news is that it's not a rare sort of resource at all.
For those of us who are wondering how to find Screws in Fallout 76, it's going to be handy to try and snap out of the mindset that we ought to actively seek them out. Instead, the only real way for you to go about this issue is to collect as much junk for disassembly as you possibly can.
While assorted common items such as Handcuffs, Hot Plates, Pepper Mills, and Globes will get you a single Screw, you need to be on the lookout for stuff such as the Carlisle Typewriter, Chez Vivi Typewriter, and Giddyup Buttercup. These will net you a lovely 4x Screws for each item you disassemble.
The bottom line is following: gather up lots and lots of junk, then tear it all up into basic resources. If you keep doing this (which you should, no matter how you look at things), you'll be drowning in screws really soon. Good hunting!