What is the Age of Empires 4: Knights of Cross and Rose release date? The acclaimed real-time strategy game’s second DLC is officially coming in 2025, introducing two new playable variant civilizations, a new game mode, alongside several maps for both skirmish and multiplayer.
Although it is smaller in scope than its predecessor, Knights of Cross and Rose focuses on making its variant civilizations more distinct while its historical battles mode promises additional replayability for those willing to master their strategic craft.
Age of Empires IV: Knights of Cross and Rose Release Date
AoE IV: Knights of Cross and Rose’s release date is slated to occur on April 8, 2025. Priced at €14,99/$14,99/£12.60, the DLC benefits from a 15% pre-order discount.
- Age of Empires 4: Knights of Cross and Rose release date: April 8, 2025
The two new variant civilizations – the Knights Templar and House of Lancaster – “bring with them even more unique units, upgrades and abilities to ensure they stand out from their base civilization in meaningful ways,” according to the developer.
The Knights Templar go as far as sharing no traits, bonuses, units, or upgrades with the French civilization on which they are based.
Their Commanderie Age Up system allows them to select one of three allies during each Age, granting a permanent bonus and unique unit.
In addition, the Fortress, the variant civilization’s unique keep, “plays a key strategic role in their overall gameplay.”
Based on the English civilization, The House of Lancaster favors ranged warfare and defensive strategies, reflected in its Synchronized Shot ability, “which allows for a wide-ranging volley shot.”
The Manor unique building then bolsters the variant civilization’s economy by generating resources.
AoE IV: Knights of Cross and Rose’s release date also introduces the Historical Battles single-player mode, which “deviates from the traditional narrative-focused campaign by narrowing in on select moments in history notable to the Knights Templar and House of Lancaster.”
Although we can look forward to both storybook-style cinematics and voice acting reminiscent of the title’s campaigns, the four included missions allow us to relive events such as the Siege of Safed or the Battle of Montgisard.
Our performance is scored and ranked based on a medal system, encouraging us to explore the maps and discover the secrets, traps and other surprises strewn around them.
These puzzle-like elements add replayability while the decisions we make during each mission can unlock Conqueror mode, which offers an even greater challenge.
Age of Empires IV: Knights of Cross and Rose’s release date also expands the pool of available skirmish and multiplayer maps with the following ten maps, whose layouts can be glimpsed in this Steam post:
- Relic River
- Mountain Lakes
- Waterlanes
- Wasteland
- Shadow Lake
- Rugged
- Highwoods
- Hedgemaze
- Flankwoods
- Enlightened Horizon
This covers everything you need to know about Age of Empires IV: Knights of Cross and Rose’s release date and the content included in the first of two DLCs planned for 2025.
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