Free-to-play battle royale Apex Legends has started its very own Black Friday sale, bringing a handful of offers for players looking to spend their Apex Coins.
The Apex Legends Black Friday sale features two new skins, one for Octane, another for Wattson, alongside three Apex Pack bundles of varying sizes.
Apex Legends Black Friday Sale
Octane players can nab the Legendary Fool skin for 1800 Apex Coins as part of the Apex Legends Black Friday sale. As the name suggests, it dresses up the character as a jester.
Wattson, on the other hand, gets the Epic Dinomite skin, purchasable for 1000 Apex Coins, which applies dinosaur patches over her outfit while also giving her a facepaint that channels unexpected primal vibes.
As for the bundles, during the Apex Legends Black Friday sale, you can get two legendary packs for 1000 Apex Coins, 25 packs out of which 5 are bonus for 2000 Apex Coins and 70 packs out of which 20 are bonus for 5000 Apex Coins.
The Laughing Fool skin remains in rotation until November 30. Meanwhile, the rest of the Apex Legends Black Friday sale offers are available until December 3.