Apex Legends has just received a brand new character: Octane. As it turns out, Octane has got a number of fairly interesting ability interactions with his Apex Legends Trampoline ability.
Apex Legends Octane Trampoline allows users to rapidly deploy a self-inflating floor-level trampoline, affording them yet another interesting vector of movement, when there is need for one. According to latest playtesting, the trampoline can also be used in ways best described as non-standard.
Of the fairer uses that players have found for Octane's trampoline, it can be used by those who've suffered heavy damage and have already entered the bleed-out state. Whereas normally you'd only be able to drag yourself slowly while losing health, Octane's trampoline lends you an extremely helpful getaway plan, provided that there's someone waiting to give you a hand at the location you are trying to reach.
Alternatively, others have found a way to glitch the game into submission through the use of Octane. Apex Legends trampoline hack has since been noticed numerous times, but the developers are sure to fix it up as soon as possible.
If you're interested in seeing what is up with Octane and his curiously vertical skillset, be sure to check out our Octane unlocking guide, which is bound to have all the info you'll be needing.