The upcoming Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 is set to one-up its predecessor in every conceivable way. This does come at a cost, however, and that cost is that the game's release date is getting pushed back.
Originally planned to come out in September 2018, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada will now be getting released in January 2019 to allow for an additional layer of polish, but this will also mean that the game will come packed with even more content than was originally planned.
As it currently stands, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 already has 3 large narrative campaigns and no less than 12(!) playable factions. For the duration of the push-back, though, the developers will also be adding the option to play all three of the main campaigns in cooperative mode.
To facilitate this development, there will be not one but two pre-order beta testing periods. Player feedback from these testing phases will certainly prove most useful for the developers in the long run, and more details about the exact dates and content of these betas will be announced shortly.
If you're looking to pre-order the game already, doing so via Steam will net you a 10% off, and in the meantime, why not take a look at the latest faction trailer for this truly wondrous clash of dozens upon dozens of skyscraper-sized combat vessel?