Abilities like the Reflector Ray are crucial for progressing through Bloodstained Ritual of the Night as it allows you to reach places initially hampering your character. Keeping track of the many unlocks available can, sometimes, be a bit of a daunting task.
Here’s where you can find the Reflector Ray and what it’s used for in Bloodstained Ritual of the Night.
Bloodstained Ritual of the Night Reflector Ray
The Reflector Ray is not only handy to have on you but also required for progress in Bloodstained Ritual of the Night. What it does is shoot out a beam of light teleporting you to its end. The great thing about it is that it allows you to squeeze through tight areas and use reflective panels to project it past obstacles.
Not only that, but the Reflector Ray can also be used as a means to jump higher than your regular jump allows, given how you’re teleported to its end. Its one downside is that it replaces your main offensive spell.
In order to get the Reflector Ray, you’ll have to head over to the Laboratory area and defeat Bathin. He’s a fairly agile boss that uses the ability to get around. While you learn his patterns, the main thing to keep in mind is to stay out of the various rays of light he throws your way, including those from the Reflector Ray. Once you’ve defeated him and obtained the ability, you can put it to good use in Bloodstained Ritual of the Night’s Libre Ex Machina area and beyond.