Like other sprawling open-world games, Dying Light 2 has a point of no return, marking the moment when further progress locks you into its final narrative stretch.
If you’re planning on experiencing as much of the game as possible before this happens, you’ll want to know what quest triggers it as well as what the state of the post-game happens to be.
You’ll have to spend your fair share of hours playing Dying Light 2 before reaching its point of no return, especially if you aren’t blitzing through the main quest. But even if you’re in a rush, it’s clearly highlighted in a message that pops up on your screen and should be pretty hard to miss.
You’ll receive Dying Light 2’s point of no return notification during The Breakthrough quest. In my case, it happened right as I was about to enter the building with the van I previously had to chase, although it’s possible that different choices may trigger it at different points in time.
You can then back out and continue completing other missions and activities across Villedor or go forward and see the story through to its conclusion.
Although there’s no pressure to do so right away, wrapping up the main quest may be a good idea, unless you feel undergeared or lack consumables, as you will be able to continue playing afterwards.
Dying Light 2’s post-game kicks in right after you get the ending credits. You can resume playing regardless of what happens during the last mission, and continue completing any leftover quests and activities across Villedor.
The game may revert some of the choices you made during the story and, from this point on, will also scale to your progress in order to provide a constant challenge as well as higher rank gear and weapons for you to collect.
That’s what you need to know about Dying Light 2’s point of no return and post-game. For more on Techland’s latest effort, check out what we know about its skills and enemy types.
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