Fallout 76 is - as always - dealing with practically too many problems to keep track of at any given moment, but one that keeps popping up is the infamous ‘failed to download config from title storage’ error.
Fallout 76 failed to download config from title storage is an error that both PC and console players of Bethesda’s latest Fallout offering have had to deal with from time to time, and it’s related to the game’s server status.
Failed to Download Config From Title Storage Error
Though a considerable number of people have been asking how to fix failed to download config from title storage, it seems that no concrete answer can be offered at this time. The issue relates to some sort of faulty network connectivity, but the rest remains fairly mysterious.
One PS4 user has found that changing the DNS address seems to be a reliable fix, provided that you switch it around to the one provided by Google. The information is scarce, however, and even getting the problem to show up is difficult on some set-ups.
The following comment from Bethesda should help you sort it out, although most people will experience it when a new patch is released. Make sure you’re running the correct version.
“If Fallout 76 is not undergoing maintenance or experiencing an outage and you are playing on PC, this error may be related to modifications that were made to your Fallout 76 configuration (.ini) files. To rectify this issue, we recommend restoring these files to their original state.”
Once you have done that, ensure the game is fully closed and verify the integrity of game files in Steam.
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Of course, changing your DNS is not a very difficult nor time-intensive process on PC, but you could also try disconnecting and reconnecting your Internet connectivity, and - yes - restart your PC, for lack of other solutions. Hopefully, Bethesda weighs in on the problem sometime down the line and provide a more practical solution, however.