Fortnite has had its mech vehicle - the BRUTE - for a while now, and the conclusion among the players seems to be that it is slightly overpowered compared to other tools and weaponry that players have at their disposal.
Despite this, Epic has responded to calls for nerfing the BRUTE with a clear message: they’re quite content with where the mech stands, all things considered. They’ve even offered a number of statistics to prove that the BRUTE is, in fact, not as overpowered as some might be making it out to be.
Leaving aside the curious happenstance that Fortnite got its BRUTE just after Respawn said that Titans would ruin Apex Legends, the BRUTE has mostly been a considerable gamechanger in some cases, but not as much as we might’ve expected.
“B.R.U.T.E. encounters should feel like a unique engagement and not be the dominant experience during a game,” said Epic, citing various statistics that prove their approach is working. For example, the number of average BRUTE eliminations per-match is appropriately low, and though the devs are open to tuning stuff slightly, we shouldn’t expect a large-scale nerf to the mech.
“We’re happy with the results,” said Epic after mentioning their slight BRUTE spawn rate reduction. The conclusion is quite simple, all things considered: “The mission of Fortnite is to bring players of all skill levels together to have a fun experience where anyone can win.” The BRUTE does precisely that.
Did you know that Epic opened a new game dev studio in Cologne, Germany?