SCUM’s intricate survival mechanics set it apart from its peers but, sometimes, you may just want to have a bit of unhindered fun. That’s where Scum Console Commands and Cheats come in, giving server admins godlike powers they normally don’t have access to.
SCUM’s admin commands also help when someone on your server deserves to be kicked or banned. If you’re more about the single-player life, the ability to spawn in items and teleport around the map using console commands is very likely to come in handy at some point.
SCUM Console Commands
Using SCUM console commands is actually pretty easy. After you load up the game, press T to bring up the chatbox. Each admin command needs to be preceded by # in order to work, so use the symbol, pick a cheat from the list below, then press Enter. Remember to not include the brackets in the list below if you’re aiming for specific items/characters.
- #SetGodMode (True/False) - Enables or disables god mode (build instantly)
- #SetFamePoints (Value) (Player) - Sets the specified player's Fame Points to the specified value
- #SetFamePointsToAll (Value) - Sets online and offline players' Fame Points to the specified value
- #SetFamePointsToAllOnline (Value) - Sets online players' Fame Points to the specified value
- #Ban (SteamID64) - Bans specified player from server
- #Unban (SteamID64) - Unbans specified players, allowing them to rejoin the server
- #Kick (Player) - Kicks specified player from the server
- #Mute (Player) - Blocks specified player from chatting to others on the server
- #UnMute (Player) - Unmutes specified player
- #ListMutedPlayers - Lists muted players
- #DestroyVehicle (VehicleID) - Destroys specified vehicle
- #ListSpawnedVehicles - Shows list of vehicles on the server as well as their locations
- #SpawnRandomAnimal - Spawns random animal
- #SpawnAnimal (ID) (Number) - Spawns specified animal in specified amount.
- #ListAnimals - Lists all animals that can be spawned
- #SpawnItem (ID) (Count) - Spawns specified item in specified amount
- #ListItems - Lists all items that can be spawned
- #SpawnVehicle (ID) - Spawns specified vehicle
- #SpawnRandomZombie - Spawns a random zombie
- #SpawnZombie (ID) (Count) - Spawns specified zombie in specified amount
- #Teleport (X) (Y) (Z) - Teleports you to specified coordinates
- #Teleport (X) (Y) (Z) (Player) - Teleports specified player to specified coordinates
- #SetTime (0-24) - Sets time of day to specified hour
SCUM is available now on PC in Steam Early Access.
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