What are the Best Space Marine 2 Mods? We’ve hand-picked our favorite mods for Space Marine 2, ones we think you should use to control the corruption of the Chaos Marines and Defend the Imperium.
Most of these mods are for use in the single-player campaign. It’s important to avoid using them in cooperative or online modes, as doing so could result in a server ban. You see, some mods function as cheats, which would create an unfair advantage over other players who aren’t using them. Make sure you deactivate them before going online with Space Marine 2.
UPDATED: We added a couple more important mods on 21 November and checked for any broken or deactivated mods on this page.
The Best Space Marine 2 Mods
The modding community is ramping up its efforts, resembling the chitinous tide of Tyranids, and as a result, we’ve picked out numerous mods that can serve the Imperium effectively.
We plan to return every month to explore the latest creations shared by the talented community. Below is our curated list of mods we believe will be particularly useful. A big thank you to all the authors featured on this page and to the wider community for their incredible work.
Mod Name | Release Date |
Project Rubicon WIP | 4 October |
Praise The Chaos | 20 September |
More CORPSE | 10 September |
Unlimited Health | 15 October |
The Primarch Power Fantasy Mod | 31 October |
Astartes Overhaul - Warhammer Workshop | 21 November |
5-Man Squad | 21 November |
Project Rubicon WIP
Project Rubicon is a work-in-progress mod for Space Marine 2, currently in early development and only available for the 11 September rollback version of the game. The mod takes inspiration from Space Marine 1 and DOOM by introducing an armor and life regeneration system that rewards players for kills and executions, as well as numerous offline-only changes to change Space Marine 2’s combat and immersion. It’s quite difficult to get working, but the rewards are there. Key features include:
- Armor & Life Regeneration System: Killing enemies restores armor, while finishers restore health based on enemy size. Boss kills restore 100% armor. Works both online and offline.
- Double Damage (Offline Only): All damage sources, including headshots, are increased for faster-paced gameplay and more aggressive gunplay.
- Increased Enemy & Ally Spawn Rates (Offline Only): Battle larger hordes with triple the enemies and allied NPCs, intensifying the fight for survival.
- New Difficulty Levels (Offline Only): T3 becomes T4, with a new, more challenging T4 level. Respawn timers and dodging invulnerability windows are adjusted to make the game more punishing.
- Immersive Dodging: Players will only perform side-step dodges, eliminating the “Dark Souls” style rolls.
Praise The Chaos
Chaos can corrupt and lead lesser men and women to their damnation. Would you rather be a Heretic Astartes during the campaign? Play as the Chaos Space Marines in the campaign and fight against the False God to turn your brothers against his will.
More Corpse
You can almost smell the foul stench of torn Tyranid flesh as you cut through them with your Chainsword, but where are the bodies? Do you want to witness the full carnage you’ve unleashed on the battlefield? MoiCestTOM wants to see more destruction, so now you can use this mod to increase the limit of ragdoll “corpse”.
Unlimited Health
There isn’t much to say about this mod, but it’s a straightforward cheat that grants you unlimited health. Naturally, it’s not for online use, but you can enjoy it in the single-player campaign.
Primarch Power Fantasy
The Primarch Power Fantasy Mod surges all the stats for your weapons and boosts Ability Regeneration in the operations mode, but it can be used for the story too. Firearms pack a significant punch, with bolt weapons hitting 3x harder and other guns 2x as powerful. Carry substantially more ammunition for your bolstered arsenal. Plasma, melta, and power weapons now efficiently penetrate guards. Melee weapons, including a 4x increase for the power fist and thunder hammer, deliver devastating blows. Waves and stomps cover a greater area. Grenades cause increased damage and affect a wider radius. Gain armor when hitting or killing enemies, with enhanced bonuses for melee and headshots.
Astartes Overhaul - Warhammer Workshop
This mod adds a slew of changes for Space Marine 2 to customize and enhance your blood and blasting experience further.
These include new weapons, bosses, finishers, and enhanced enemy variety to play around with. But that’s not all. It comes with character skins, gameplay tweaks including rebalancing, the addition of checkpoints, and flexible operator selection. A bumper package!
5-Man Squad
War is tough going, so it would be great to have some more backup for your Space Marine 2 journey, right? This mod will add two bots to your squad on private operations or in offline mode. A few extra bodies will go a long way to helping the war effort.
Non-essential Space Marine 2 Mods but still useful
Our list of the best Space Marine 2 mods will likely grow over the coming weeks and months, so be sure to check back regularly for new additions.
Space Marine 2 is out now on PC and consoles.
Edits from Jamie Davey and Neil Bolt.
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