Time-fixed investigative thriller The Occupation has received a new 10-minute gameplay video showcasing an investigation and the mechanics behind it.
The Occupation follows an investigative journalist trying to get to the bottom of a tangled situation in 1987’s North West England. An explosion that took 23 lives has lead to the erosion of civil liberties and players must obtain and analyze information in order to discover the truth.
The video beings with explaining how every action in The Occupation’s world takes time, an in-game hour being the equivalent of a real world hour.
Exploration is required in order to find information that can help you piece together the truth. Information can be obtained from different sources, whether an ID card, a floppy disc or overhearing a conversation while stealthily sneaking around. The Occupation’s world allows for multiple entry points into locations, which allows for different approaches to uncovering information.
In the video, which you’ll find below, the protagonist needs to find sensitive information to use in asking questions during a meeting which takes place at a set time. This adds another layer to take into consideration when planning out your moves, especially when they take you to places where you shouldn’t be found.
The Occupation is scheduled to launch on March 5 on PC, Xbox One and PS4.