Descenders is a downhill biking game that only be described as an Open-World version of Trials, and we're playing it LIVE on our Twitch channel at 16:00 GMT/08:00 PT/11:00 ET on Friday!
Check out our YouTube channel for all our previous streams, gameplay videos, reviews and more!
We played Rise of Industry! Check it out!
Descenders is out today on Steam Early Access, and it is a LOT of crazy fun. It's fun to pull off cool moves at high speed down a mountain, but it's even more fun to miss entirely, watch your bike disappear under a rock and break every bone in your body slamming into a tree at 100mph. Which we'll be doing a lot!
Check it out! And don't worry, we'll upload it to YouTube quickly after if you miss - but why not join in and tell us what you think? Or just laugh at our killing ourselves over and over again.