Here’s a collection of best mods for Xenonauts that include more realistic crash sites, more character portraits, additional maps and an enhanced Xenopedia.
This mod adds 74 new portraits and unlocks 18 custom ones to bring the amount of male portraits up to 115 from 36, and female portraits up to 36 from 22. This mod is for people who want more variation in portraits.
Lore+ is a fan made Xenopedia addon which provides additional lore about alien classes and ufo missions, presented in the same conversational style as the main game. Lore+ can be added at any time in the game as it isn’t dependant on the main tech tree.
Enhanced crash sites adds in smoke, fire, ground and prop damage in and around UFOs so as to make crash sites actually look like there has been a crash!
This adds the originally planned Tundra Tileset into the game. Characterised by woodland, military bases and soviet-style villages, this adds more more identity primarily in areas in Canada and upper Eurasia.
Random Map Pack - Arctic Collection
This mod adds in a large number of arctic maps comprised entirely of randomised elements.
If you have any collection of mods or just individual mods to recommend for Xenonauts, please let us know!