Battlefield V Latest Updates
EA’s new Battlefield returns to modern setting, first details

After going back and forth in time with the last few entries, EA has confirmed the next Battlefield game will return to a modern-day setting.
Moon Rover Games Studio Formed by Former EA and Ubisoft Developers

Former Battlefield, Far Cry, and Mirror's Edge Developers Create New Studio in Stockholm.
PC DLSS Games List - What Games Currently Support DLSS?

Here is the list of currently available and upcoming PC games that feature DLSS 2.0 support.
Criterion Games Moved to Support Battlefield 6 Development, Next Need for Speed Title Delayed

Criterion Games previously supported DICE on the modern Battlefront games, as well as Battlefield 5, where it worked on the Firestorm battle royale mode.
Battlefield 6 Rumored to Return to Modern Setting, Have Maps Designed for 128 Players

Rumors suggest that Battlefield 6 will feature maps that support up to 128 players and that a battle royale component was in development at some stage.