Bloodline Champions Summary
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GamesCom 2013: Bloodline Champions dev working on Dead Island MOBA

Publisher Deep Silver revealed that the developer of the upcoming MOBA based on the Dead Island license, Dead Island: Epidemic, is Swedish developer Stunlock Studios, which worked on Bloodline Champions.
Bloodline Champions' May update

Funcom has posted their outline of changes coming to Bloodline Champions in their May Developer update. The MMO is a PvP arena game with season 2 soon. In the update they discuss a new healer bloodline, saving replays if you've the 'Replay pass', all bloodlines in singleplayer, the season finale and balance tweaks.
Bloodline Champions scraps VIP membership ahead of launch

Funcom and Stunlock Studios have announced that some changes will be made to the pricing model for its soon to be released MMO RTS game, Bloodline Champions. Due to feedback from the open beta test, both parties have agreed to scrap the VIP membership option. The good news is that some of the bonuses from the VIP membership will be moved into all the previous pricing models, including the free-to-play one.
Bloodline Champions beta open

Funcom's Bloodline Champions beta is now open to the online masses, and it rewards all early testers with pre-launch rewards. It's already 200,000 strong. You can also be earning Bloodcoins to splurge on in-game items. Bloodlines is very Diablo-esque, but features no levelling but fixed PvP classes and gear.