Civilization IV Summary
Civilization IV Review
The first 30-40 turns always does it for me - claiming the land, discovering other civs, choosing your tech path, battling lions, and so on.
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Sid Meier's Civilization Series Crosses Tiles To Make It Into The Latest Humble Bundle

What was once a rarity has recently become a regular occurrence. Despite that, Humble Bundles continue to sell from proverbial hot cakes. But it's all about the charity. So what's next? Civilization!
The newest Humble Bundle is a trove of Firaxis goodies

Firaxis has been on a roll for a pretty long time with a generally well-received backlog of strategy offerings. Whether you're looking at Civilization or Firaxis's reboot of XCOM, there's a lot to take in from their games and even more on the way with XCOM 2. If you're worried your Firaxis collection isn't complete or if you want to get up to date for the upcoming sci-fi strategy sequel, then the latest Humble Bundle is your cost-effective shot at filling those voids.
Civilization 4 designer announces real-time strategy Offworld Trading Company

Lead designer Soren Johnson of Civilization 4 is now co-founder of indie Mohawk Games and they've just announced their first project. It's a real-time strategy based on economics called Offworld Trading Company. Money "is the heart" of the RTS, where we sell excess resources and then buy low on what we need. Trade prices and stock fluctuate all in real-time.
Civilization and Borderlands series will move servers to Steamworks May 31 after GameSpy shutdown

Borderlands, Civilization III and Civilization IV will all migrate their multiplayer over to Steamworks after the closure of GameSpy's extensive server lists.
Reddit compiles list of games for GameSpy's May 31st shutdown

By the end of next month the matchmaking services of GameSpy will be switched off, and that means a number of PC titles won't function properly or at all online. Exactly how far-reaching is the GameSpy service? Reddit has put together a doomsday list that includes the likes of Halo, Star Wars: Battlefront, Stronghold, the Battlefield series, Crysis, Tom Clancy titles and Quake.