Civilization V Features

Interview: As the launch day draws near, we get in one final word with the masterminds behind the franchise.
Civilization V has long been a leading name in strategy games, especially turn based. Deep, complex, addictive, this franchise has been at the fore-front of the genre for the past twenty years. Now the fifth iteration, is nearly upon us and with it will come some major changes to an area that doesn't traditionally take change well.

Interview: We enjoyed speaking to Jon so much, we decided to go back and have another round with him! Also features Jeff Goldblum.
A few weeks ago we brought you an interview from GamesCom with Civilization V's Lead Designer, Jon Shafer. Well, we had such a blast talking with him, we decided to go back for round two! Deep in the headquarters of the Illuminati, somewhere in the depths of London, we sat and chatted to Shafer, as well as Project Art Director Dorian Newcomb, about everything from how much we all...

Preview: Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn.
The Civilization series is about the only videogame franchise that can bring out the inner obsessive in all of us. This is the series that invented the term "one more turn", and if the newest instalment - Civilization V - proves one thing, it is that this ideal isn't going anywhere anytime soon. But how do you keep a twenty year old franchise fresh? Well as the...