Civilization VI Mods

Best mods

Environment Skin Sid Meier's Civilization V Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 6 years ago

This Civilization VI mod changes the visuals of the game to better match the colors and tones of its predecessor, Civ V.

Cheat Map Editor Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 6 years ago

This Civilization VI mod allows to change terrain type, features, improvements, roads and resources in game.

Hitler of Germany

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago

To be honest, Firaxis and 2K will probably never add this into the game on their own, and so comes Hitler as an alternate leader for Germany. The innovator of the Lightning War strategy, Hitler's leader trait is Blitzkrieg, which boosts military production and movement of combat units during wartime with major civilizations. Hitler will try to spread Germany's influence with voracious tenacity and has no respect for any nation with a small army.

YnAMP - Yet (not) Another Maps Pack

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago

Want to play a ludicrously sized game? Want to duke it out with more than 50 other civilizations? Interested in some awesome preset maps? No problem! This mod offers everything above and more in a extensively content-rich map size and option pack that will have you taking on the most epic of worldly conquests.

Good Goody Huts

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

Ever want more out of those happy little villages? Now you'll get bountiful boons and more. This mod ups the benefit of the villages, putting them closer together on the map and allowing them to cluster. Moreover, they'll have more bonuses like more gold, experience, and other possibilities, making them far more worthwhile to chase down than in the vanilla game.


  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago

No AI is perfect, but Civilization VI's AI can be downright baffling sometimes. This mod aims to make it a little more sensible and competitive as a result of the new rational choices it should make. Among the changes, the AI will wage aggressive wars instead of watching you win, settle in appropriate locations, and make production choices in its cities based on where it is strongest. With these changes and many more, the AI in your game should present a better and more adaptive challenge on every level of play.

Relive World Wars

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago

Get ready to face one of the darkest points of human history in a new total conversion mod for Civ VI. This mod features new game play of the period between 1860 and 1945. You'll take on any of the nations involved in the conflict from their respective points at the start and follow allow certain events that occurred as nations transitioned between World War I and II. This mod features a ton of units, buildings, districts, and a reworked civic system to support the context. Will your civilization survive the turn of the century and the human meat grinder that was the World Wars?

Radial Measuring Tool Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 6 years ago

This Civilization VI mod is an simple tool to visually estimate city location and to measure effect distances. It also shows terrain Yields in not owned tiles in radius and yield/tile count changes between the last and current measured locations.

Real Great People

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

Ever get annoyed that every great person shares the same old generic portrait in the selection screen? You're not alone and this mod aims to help. It supplies over 170 portraits for each of the great people that can be recruited in the game, giving you something more interesting to look at with each benchmark fellow of history that you meet.

Better Tribal Villages

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago

Want to put just a little more luck in your exploratory gains? Then get ready for some real treasures. This mod makes all tribal village rewards better, offering new possibilities, re-inserting removed boons, and strengthening otherwise lackluster prizes for capturing a tribal village. With this mod, you can roll the dice and see what fortune has in store for you on your scouting conquest of the world around you.